My Project Coordination

1.   English ACCESS Micro-Scholarship Project (Project Coordinator) funded by US Embassy to Cambodia (2015-2017)

2.  Through Academic Cooperation Towards Innovative Capacity Project (TACTIC) funded by European Commission (2015-2018), (Project Coordinator at NUBB)

3.   Active Learning In Engineering Education Project (ALIEN) funded by European Commission (Project Coordinator at NUBB)

4.  Strengthening Quality Assurance In CAmbodian Higher Education-SICA (SICA) funded by European Commission (Project Coordinator at NUBB), 2018-2021

5.     Higher Education Improvement Project (HEIP) funded by World Bank (2019-2024), (Project Coordinator at NUBB)

6.   Master of Food Innovation (FOODI) funded by European Commission (Project Coordinator at NUBB), 2018-2021

7.   Financial Management in Higher Education Institutions (BALANCE) funded by European Commission (Project Coordinator at NUBB), 2018-2021

8.     Asia Digitalization in Higher Education Institutions (ASIA-Digi) funded by European Commission (Project Member at NUBB), 2019-2022

9.     21st Teaching Skills (21 Teach/Skill) funded by European Commission (Project Member), 2019-2022

10.  Recognition of Asian Universities (RecoAsia) funded by European Commission (Project Members), 2019-2022

11. Smart City ASEAN Leaning Networks (SCALe) funded by European Commission (Project Members), 2023-2025 

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