Saturday, 5 November 2011

Letter Send to Editor of the Cambodia Daily

Letter Send to Editor of the Cambodia Daily

by Sam Rany on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 7:37am
Dear Mr. Kevin Doyle,

Having read your article titled on “Battambang University Rector Accused of Corruption” (page 13, February 20-21, 2011), I would like to express my deeper concern over the internal conflict of interests between the rector and some lecturers at this university. This conflict can be affected its reputation to attract the prospective students who will enroll in coming year. Moreover, it can be impacted on the glory of current higher education institutions (HEIs) in our beloved country.

I recognized that University of Battambang (UBB) is a top public university that just newly inaugurated under presided over by Prime Minister Hun Sen at the end of 2010. Presently, the numbers of students have dramatically increased every academic year because of high quality of education and leadership. Enrollment has jumped to 5,080 in only three years. As a new beginning, it normally faced some problems with the administrative and financial management. I strongly hope that everything will be resolved in step by step.

As a Cambodian Catholic and civil servant at the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS), I would like contribute my personal recommendation to the relevant parties in this dispute as following:

1. Conflicted parties shouldn't revenge their parties through using any claims or reasons against someone in the purpose of personal interests. All parties should join hand together to develop their university in the spirit of solidarity, love, patience, common sense, and public interest. They must deeper understand that university where the place to educate all kinds of human resources in conformity with the Royal Government of Cambodia’s policy. They should be considerate that university is a central heart of Cambodian intellectuals and students to learn, to exchange, and share experiences, knowledge, and good models as well. Also, they must always remember that they are educators in the higher education.

2. Conflict parties should immediately stop using verbal attacks such as corruption, intimidation, labor exploitation, partisanship, and mismanagement via any mass media and complaints to reveal their weakness in the public. They should conduct face to face negotiation in order to find the best resolution to end this dispute. It can help them to win the public's confidence, particularly the Royal Government of Cambodian, students, and people. Success in this endeavor would be their most enduring legacy to their nation and university.

3. Relevant ministries and institutions should pay attention and take an affordable measure to find the trust and resolution on this conflict. It would be impossible without the peaceful intervention of these entities. Mediation or conciliation method should be used in the principle of win, win policies.

At the end, I would like to express my most profound and admiration for your very nobel, very just and very courageous struggle for the freedom of expression in Cambodian in accordance with your slogan stated that “All the News Without Fear or Favor.”

Please accept my highest consideration.

Thank you in advanced,

Yours sincerely,

Sam Rany

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