Monday 2 July 2012

Government to expedite services by 2013

Monday, 02 July 2012, Chhay Channyda

An official from the Ministry of Interior said yesterday that Cambodians will have access to more than 30 government service offices by 2013.

The so-called “one window one service” sites were created so citizens can carry out routine tasks, such as the registration of motorbike licence plates, without travelling great dist­ances or waiting many hours.

“The aim is to offer the people access to public ser­vices … the received services are ones delegated by relevant minis­tries,” said Por Phak, Director of the Interior Min­istry’s Inter­national Relations Depart­ment.

The offices, 17 of which have opened in 10 pro­vinces since 2009, were made pos­sible by funding from the Cam­bodian government and the World Bank.

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